Energy at the Amusement Park (Amusement Park Science)

Paperback / softback

Main Details

Title Energy at the Amusement Park (Amusement Park Science)
Authors and Contributors      By (author) Karen Latchana Kenney
Physical Properties
Format:Paperback / softback
ISBN/Barcode 9781543575224
Children / Juvenile
Illustrations Illustrations, unspecified

Publishing Details

Publisher Capstone Press
Imprint Capstone Press
Publication Date 1 August 2019
Publication Country United States


It's time to go to the amusement park! You're pumped up for a fun day! But there's more than just your own energy buzzing. Waiting for your cotton candy to be made? Heat energy helps make that gooey goodness happen. Chugging up the roller coaster hill? Potential energy is with you. Speeding down it? Now you have kinetic energy! Find out more about the energies behind the excitement.

Author Biography

Author and editor Karen Latchana Kenney has written many books for children and young adults. She's interested in all kinds of science subjects, from car science to the life cycle of spiders. Kenney lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota, with her husband and young son.