Who Financed Hitler?
Main Details
You can't know the whole story of the Third Reich, the true nature of Nazism, or the chilling connection between money, power, and terror in the twentieth century, until you know Who Financed Hitler. James Pool, author of Hitler and His Secret Partners: Contributions, Loot and Rewards, 1933-1945, unravels the covert financial web that Hitler spun across Europe and around the globe to bankroll his dream of world dominion. Completely revised and updated, and more timely than ever in light of recent shocking discoveries of hidden Nazi funds in Switzerland, this classic expose reveals Hitler as a financial wheeler-dealer, who used charm, fear, and intrigue to extract money from peasants, society matrons, industrialists, and aristocrats; the remarkable details of Henry Ford's contributions to the Nazi cause; the truth behind Edward VIII's intimate ties to Hitler - and his abdication from the British throne; the secret society that launched Hitler's career... Jewish sources of financial support for the Nazis... and much more.