Peace Through Law: Can Humanity Overcome War?


Main Details

Title Peace Through Law: Can Humanity Overcome War?
Authors and Contributors      Edited by Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven
Edited by Claus Kress
Edited by Mary Ellen O'Connell
Physical Properties
Dimensions(mm): Height 221,Width 150
ISBN/Barcode 9781474268165
Tertiary Education (US: College)

Publishing Details

Publisher Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Imprint Bloomsbury Academic
Publication Date 19 May 2016
Publication Country United Kingdom


The 20th century was influenced profoundly by the experience of two world wars. It was also characterized, however, by the attempt to replace armed conflict with non-violent conflict management. As the United Nations Charter preamble declares: The "People of the United Nations are determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war." International law and international institutions have made considerable progress toward this goal, but the world is still a long way from effectively banning major organized violence between or within states. Current governance theories are grappling with the reality of today's complex international relations. What lessons do these theories hold for overcoming violent conflict? What do theories about global governance tell us about international public authority? Is such an authority desirable at all? What would the ideal international society look like from the perspective of global governance theory? What is the role of law, authority, and international institutions in realizing the ideal? The aim of this book is to offer an interdisciplinary debate on these normative responses to the problem of war: law, authority, governance, and constitution.

Author Biography

Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven is the Director of the Institut fur Theologie und Frieden, in Hamburg, Germany. Mary Ellen O'Connell is the Robert and Marion Short Professor of Law and is Research Professor of International Dispute Resolution at the Kroc Institute, University of Notre Dame, United States.