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Displaying: 1 - 30 of 91 items.
Short Novels and Other Writings: Theodor Fontane

Short Novels and Other Writings: Theodor Fontane

By Peter Demetz
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

German Humanism and Reformation: Erasmus, Luther, Muntzer, and others

German Humanism and Reformation: Erasmus, Luther, Muntzer, and others

By Reinhard Paul Becker
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

German Romantic Criticism: Novalis, Schlegel, Schleiermacher, and others

German Romantic Criticism: Novalis, Schlegel, Schleiermacher, and others

By A. Leslie Willson
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Plays: Heinrich von Kleist

Plays: Heinrich von Kleist

By Walter Hinderer
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Tales: E.T.A. Hoffmann

Tales: E.T.A. Hoffmann

By Victor Lange
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Poetry and Prose: Heinrich Heine

Poetry and Prose: Heinrich Heine

By Jost Hermand , Robert C. Holub
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Stories: Gottfried Keller

Stories: Gottfried Keller

By Frank G. Ryder
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Critical Essays: Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Critical Essays: Hans Magnus Enzensberger

By Reinhold Grimm , Bruce Armstrong
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Plays and Stories: Arthur Schnitzler

Plays and Stories: Arthur Schnitzler

By Egon Schwarz
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

German Medieval Tales: Hartmann von Aue, Konrad von Wurzburg, and others

German Medieval Tales: Hartmann von Aue, Konrad von Wurzburg, and others

By Francis Gentry
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Plays: Friedrich Schiller: Intrigue and Love and Don Carlos

Plays: Friedrich Schiller: Intrigue and Love and Don Carlos

By Walter Hinderer
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

German Literary Fairy Tales: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Clemens Brentano, Franz Kafka, and others

German Literary Fairy Tales: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Clemens Brentano, Franz Kafka, and others

By Frank G. Ryder , Robert M. Browning
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Philosophical Writings: Friedrich Nietzsche

Philosophical Writings: Friedrich Nietzsche

By Reinhold Grimm , Caroline Molina Y Vedia
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Novels: Wilhelm Raabe

Novels: Wilhelm Raabe

By Professor Volkmar Sander
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

German Poetry from 1750 to 1900: Goethe, Holderlin, Nietzsche and others

German Poetry from 1750 to 1900: Goethe, Holderlin, Nietzsche and others

By Robert M. Browning
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

German Satirical Writings: Wilhelm Busch and others

German Satirical Writings: Wilhelm Busch and others

By Dieter P. Lotze , Professor Volkmar Sander
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Prose and Poetry: Rainer Maria Rilke

Prose and Poetry: Rainer Maria Rilke

By Egon Schwarz
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

German Fairy Tales: J. and W. Grimm and others

German Fairy Tales: J. and W. Grimm and others

By Helmut Brackert , Professor Volkmar Sander
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

The Romantic School and Other Essays: Heinrich Heine

The Romantic School and Other Essays: Heinrich Heine

By Jost Hermand , Robert C. Holub
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Writings of German Composers: Bach, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Wagner, Brahms, Mahler, Strauss, Weill, and

Writings of German Composers: Bach, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Wagner, Brahms, Mahler, Strauss, Weill, and

By Jost Hermand , James Steakley
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

German Romantic Novellas: Heinrich von Kleist and Jean Paul

German Romantic Novellas: Heinrich von Kleist and Jean Paul

By Frank G. Ryder , Robert M. Browning
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Essays on German Theater: Lessing, Brecht, Durrenmatt, and others

Essays on German Theater: Lessing, Brecht, Durrenmatt, and others

By Margaret Herzfeld-Sander
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Philosophical Writings: Immanuel Kant

Philosophical Writings: Immanuel Kant

By Ernst Behler
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Selected Writings: Robert Musil: Young Torless, Three Women, The Perfecting of a Love, and other writings

Selected Writings: Robert Musil: Young Torless, Three Women, The Perfecting of a Love, and other writings

By Burton Pike
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Philosophy of German Idealism: Fichte, Jacobi, and Schelling

Philosophy of German Idealism: Fichte, Jacobi, and Schelling

By Ernst Behler
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

German Essays on Art History: Winckelmann, Burckhardt, Panofsky, and others

German Essays on Art History: Winckelmann, Burckhardt, Panofsky, and others

By Gert Schiff
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Prose Essays Poems: Gottfried Benn

Prose Essays Poems: Gottfried Benn

By Professor Volkmar Sander
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

German Romantic Stories: Eichendorff, Brentano, Chamisso, and others

German Romantic Stories: Eichendorff, Brentano, Chamisso, and others

By Frank G. Ryder
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Tristan and Isolde: Gottfried von Strassburg

Tristan and Isolde: Gottfried von Strassburg

By Francis Gentry
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

German Novellas of Realism: Stifter, Droste-Hulshoff, Gotthelf, Grillparzer, Morike: Volume 1

German Novellas of Realism: Stifter, Droste-Hulshoff, Gotthelf, Grillparzer, Morike: Volume 1

By Jeffrey L. Sammons
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

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