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Displaying: 1 - 30 of 35 items.
Two Tiers or Two Speeds?

Two Tiers or Two Speeds?

By James Sperling
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Rethinking European Union Foreign Policy

Rethinking European Union Foreign Policy

By Ben Tonra , Thomas Christiansen
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

An Introduction to Post-Communist Bulgaria

An Introduction to Post-Communist Bulgaria

By Emil Giatzidis
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

The Time of European Governance

The Time of European Governance

By Magnus Ekengren , Caroline Wilding
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Europe and Civil Society: Movement Coalitions and European Governance

Europe and Civil Society: Movement Coalitions and European Governance

By Carlo Ruzza
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Turkey: Facing a New Millennium: Coping with Intertwined Conflicts

Turkey: Facing a New Millennium: Coping with Intertwined Conflicts

By Amikam Nachmani , Avril Ehrlich
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

From Integration to Integrity: Administrative Ethics and Reform in the European Commission

From Integration to Integrity: Administrative Ethics and Reform in the European Commission

By Michelle Cini
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

From Integration to Integrity: Administrative Ethics and Reform in the European Commission

From Integration to Integrity: Administrative Ethics and Reform in the European Commission

By Michelle Cini
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

The Transatlantic Divide: Foreign and Security Policies in the Atlantic Alliance from Kosovo to Iraq

The Transatlantic Divide: Foreign and Security Policies in the Atlantic Alliance from Kosovo to Iraq

By Osvaldo Croci , Amy Verdun
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

The European Union in the Wake of Eastern Enlargement: Institutional and Policy-Making Challenges

The European Union in the Wake of Eastern Enlargement: Institutional and Policy-Making Challenges

By Osvaldo Croci , Amy Verdun
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Mothering the Union: Gender Politics in the Eu

Mothering the Union: Gender Politics in the Eu

By Roberta Guerrina
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

The European Union and the Accommodation of Basque Difference in Spain

The European Union and the Accommodation of Basque Difference in Spain

By Angela Bourne
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Supranational Citizenship

Supranational Citizenship

By Lynn Dobson
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

The Changing Faces of Federalism: Institutional Reconfiguration in Europe from East to West

The Changing Faces of Federalism: Institutional Reconfiguration in Europe from East to West

By Sergio Ortino , Mitja Zagar
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Constructing the Path to Eastern Enlargement: The Uneven Policy Impact of Eu Identity

Constructing the Path to Eastern Enlargement: The Uneven Policy Impact of Eu Identity

By Ulrich Sedelmeier
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Germany, Pacifism and Peace Enforcement

Germany, Pacifism and Peace Enforcement

By Anja Dalgaard-Nielsen
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

The Politics of Eu Accession: Ideology, Party Strategy and the European Question in Hungary

The Politics of Eu Accession: Ideology, Party Strategy and the European Question in Hungary

By Agnes Batory
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Adapting to European Integration?: Kaliningrad, Russia and the European Union

Adapting to European Integration?: Kaliningrad, Russia and the European Union

By Stefan Ganzle , Guido Muntel
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

European Internal Security: Towards Supranational Governance in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

European Internal Security: Towards Supranational Governance in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice

By Christian Kaunert
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Globalisation, Integration and the Future of European Welfare States

Globalisation, Integration and the Future of European Welfare States

By Theodora-Ismene Gizelis
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

The Time of European Governance

The Time of European Governance

By Magnus Ekengren
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Eu Foreign and Security Policy in Bosnia: The Politics of Coherence and Effectiveness

Eu Foreign and Security Policy in Bosnia: The Politics of Coherence and Effectiveness

By Ana Juncos
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

A Political Sociology of the European Union: Reassessing Constructivism

A Political Sociology of the European Union: Reassessing Constructivism

By Jay Rowell , Michel Mangenot
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Committee Governance in the European Union

Committee Governance in the European Union

By Thomas Christiansen , Emil Kirchner
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

The Activation of Citizenship in Europe

The Activation of Citizenship in Europe

By Thomas Pfister
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

The Europeanisation of the Western Balkans: Eu Justice and Home Affairs in Croatia and Macedonia

The Europeanisation of the Western Balkans: Eu Justice and Home Affairs in Croatia and Macedonia

By Florian Trauner
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Democratic Participation and Civil Society in the European Union

Democratic Participation and Civil Society in the European Union

By Dawid Friedrich
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

The European Union and Industrial Relations: New Procedures, New Context

The European Union and Industrial Relations: New Procedures, New Context

By Stijn Smismans
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

The Eu and its Neighbours: Values versus Security in European Foreign Policy

The Eu and its Neighbours: Values versus Security in European Foreign Policy

By Gergana Noutcheva , Karolina Pomorska
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

Governing Europe's Neighbourhood: Partners or Periphery?

Governing Europe's Neighbourhood: Partners or Periphery?

By Katja Weber , Michael E. Smith
Paperback / softback
Usually ships within 3-5 weeks

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