The fascination of precious stones has held the peoples of all cultures and civilisations in thrall, a phenomenon that has lasted to the present day. Bernd Munsteiner, a gem-cutter (trained at Pforzheim) living near Idar-Oberstein has revolutionised gem-cutting. His aim was not perfecting the superficial sheen or brilliance of a crystal; he wanted to reveal the 'inner-workings' of precious stones. The cuts he has invented, 'Natural Movements', 'Inside Selecting' and 'Rhythmus' (Rhythm) exemplify Munsteiner's approach to handling precious stones. His gems are encountered in numerous pendants, brooches and rings. In recent years Munsteiner's oeuvre has also featured gem sculpture. His 'Dom Pedro' and 'Metamorphosen' (Metamorphoses) open up entirely new dimensions in creative gem design.