A wild ride across language, personalities and propositions that is ultimately about hope. These poems are often humorous and fierce, a mix of accessible and dense, concentrating on capturing the vernacular in unusual daily occurrences. "Sea of Heartbeak (Unexpected Resilience)...is determined to take the reader on a dive beneath. It took me on a voyage which I found bracing and stimulating at the same time as it did not turn away from the discomforting reality of the costs our lives inflict on our futures". -Rae Desmond Jones For 35 years Les Wicks has been active in the Australian literary community. He has been a guest at most of the nation's literary festivals, toured widely and been published in well over 250 different newspapers, anthologies and magazines across 17 countries in 9 languages. He has also worked as a publisher and editor. Seen as both a 'stage' and 'page' poet, his work is a mix of accessibility and dense use of language. He is a master of capturing the vernacular. His poems can be both humorous and fierce, often in the same poem.