For anyone who ever wondered why nightmarish spiders spook them or why they dream so vividly of losing their teeth, this concise, easy-to-use guide offers the answers. Filled with detailed background information on dreams and an alphabetical listing of symbols, The Complete Dream Dictionary teaches readers how to pick up on broad context clues as well as decipher the deeper meaning of specific images to decode their dreams. The Complete Dream Dictionary helps readers:- Improve dream recall and incubate dreams; Spot metaphors, puns and archetypes in dreams; Recognize common and advanced dream types; Create a personalized journal to record dream details; Understand common dream themes, such as flying or being chased; Examine particular symbols, from flowers to family members; Whether delving into recurring themes, or simply seeking insight into the significance of random images, this book teaches readers how to put these subconcious messages to good use in waking life.