The pixelated adventures continue in this graphic novel adaptation of the bestselling Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior series! Readers can reconnect with their favourite characters and the beloved Minecraft universe while enjoying a colourfully illustrated story. In this instalment, Runt and his unusual crew - a friendly zombie, a loyal wolf, and a clumsy human - embark on a quest to defeat the ender dragon...if they can go five minutes without getting lost, that is. But if vanquishing a legendary boss monster weren't a big enough challenge, along the way the gang learns of an even more mysterious enemy lurking just around the corner. The second instalment of this graphic novel series will knock your blocks off!
Author Biography
Pirate Sourcil is a comic book author known for his blog and his comic series Le Joueur du grenier, published by Hugo BD. He is also a fan of geek literature and passionate about the world of gaming.