The thrilling conclusion to the Generation One series Set in the pulse-pounding world of I Am Number Four, this fast-paced action-packed thriller follows the gifted students of The Human Garde Academy. When teenagers around the globe develop new superpowers - new Legacies, the Garde create an Academy where they can develop their gifts safely and a group of friends dubbed 'Fugitive Six' banded together to ensure the Academy's continued safety. But a mysterious organisation is threatening everything they stand for. An organisation that was behind the disappearance of numerous gifted teens. An organisation much closer to home than they think.
Author Biography
Pittacus Lore is Lorien's ruling elder. He has been on Earth preparing for the war that will decide Earth's fate. His whereabouts are unknown.
Praise for Pittacus Lore * - * Tense, exciting and full of energy * Observer * Relentlessly readable * The Times * A franchise to eclipse Harry Potter * Big Issue * Number Four is a hero for this generation * Michael Bay *