In 1969, with X-MEN on the verge of cancellation, the creative team of Roy Thomas and Neal Adams charted a bold new direction for Marvel's mutants...and the rest is history! Their epic evolution of the X-Men defines the team to this day. Adams' lavish and dynamic visuals and Thomas' challenging and contemporary stories combined to create a book that throbbed with the pulse of the times. Their iconic run introduced the cosmic-powered Havok, the vampiric villain Sauron and the bizarre Mutates, while pairing the X-Men and Ka-Zar in a classic Savage Land battle against the X-Men's greatest foe -Magneto! Painstakingly restored, packed with bonus material and presented in oversized glory, every page is a testament to the greatest in comic book storytelling! COLLECTING: X-MEN (1963) 56-63, 65