The final act of the Deadpool Killogy begins! Deadpool sets his sights on the ultimate target...himself! Collecting: Deadpool Kills Deadpool 1-4
Author Biography
Writer Cullen Bunn's first work in comics was with artist collaborator Brian Hurtt on Oni Press's noir/horror comic The Damned and the follow-up series The Damned: Prodigal Sons, and The Sixth Gun. Bunn's early Marvel work included contributions to Immortal Weapons and Deadpool Team-Up, followed by work on miniseries Fear Itself: The Deep, Fear Itself: The Fearless and Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe. In addition to solo turns on series Wolverine and Captain America and..., Bunn has co-written Captain America with Ed Brubaker and Venom with Rick Remender, whom he later succeeded as writer.