Swimming Pools: Design and Construction, Fourth Edition
Main Details
Swimming pools have to function in an environment which is hostile to many construction materials, and this must be taken into account in their design and construction. This book, the fourth edition of Philip Perkin's classic work, provides a comprehensive treatise on the design and construction of swimming pools, both public and private. The author defines the basic requirements for all swimming pools constructed from permanent materials (such as various types of concrete), and details other materials which can be incorporated for specific purposes. There is detailed discussion on the durability of materials used, and recommendations are included on finishes for the pool shell, walkways and floors. The need for well-designed water circulation and water treatment is emphasised. Information is given on both these subjects as they have a fundamental influence on the health of pool users and the durability of the materials used for finishes and construction.
Reviews`...an excellent starting point for anybody involved in the design, construction or maintenance of swimming pools.' ASI Journal December 2000 `...cover many common construction programmes in a clear concise manner.' ASI Journal December 2000 `...This book is truly a valuable, comprehensive standard reference on the topic.' Concrete November/December 2000